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Villa is Home

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Villa is home

It’s springtime at Villa Maria.

That usually means campus visits and college decisions, graduations and new beginnings. But this year, even though you can’t come to us, we thought we’d bring Villa to you. We’re inviting students, faculty, and alumni—all the people who call Villa Maria College home—to share glimpses of the ways Villa has shaped who they are and who they’ll become. This is a chance for you to hear from the kind of people you’ll meet here—to see for yourself what Villa has to offer.

See for yourself.

“The faculty gives you their undivided attention. They’re passionate about seeing their students succeed and there’s plenty of resources available right here on campus. There’s no place like Villa!”

“I am wiser, smarter, more driven and now walk around this world with great core values learned from Villa. This college always has the best interest of its students and community in mind.”

“When I first came to Villa Maria College, I made friends very quickly. I feel right at home when I come here. I’m part of a family at this college.”

Schedule a Visit

Create your own #villaishome

Design it. Paint it. Draw it. Chalk it. Type it. Animate it. Sing it. Post it.

Submit Your Design

Ready to call Villa home?

You may not know just where your education is going to take you, but we’re here to help you figure out what’s next! Fill out this form and we’ll be in touch soon.


Join the family.

The student body at Villa Maria College is amazing. We’re not caught up in silly segregations based on popularity or hobbies. Everyone gets along—the atmosphere is very welcoming and warm. We are like a giant family.

Apply Today


From serving the community to sumo wrestling, puppies to paintings, and creating to VillaCon-ing, the Vikings experience is sigma 👌🏽

From serving the community to sumo wrestling, puppies to paintings, and creating to VillaCon-ing, the Vikings experience is sigma 👌🏽 ...

Vikings in the wild.

Vikings in the wild. ...

Artist(s) Unknown 
Vikingfest 2024 
Chalk on Sidewalk, 13 x 7 in 
$ Entirely Priceless 
Tel: 716-961-1805


Artist(s) Unknown
Vikingfest 2024
Chalk on Sidewalk, 13 x 7 in
$ Entirely Priceless
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 716-961-1805


ICYMI: Cheektowaga Central School District Art Show, hosted in our on-campus art gallery.

ICYMI: Cheektowaga Central School District Art Show, hosted in our on-campus art gallery. ...