Need a Villa student technology account? No problem.
Student Technology Accounts
How to Get Your Account Set Up
Setting one up is easy. Just follow the instructions below. If you have any questions, call (716) 961-1841.
Account Setup Steps
• To get a student technology account, you must first be registered at the school.
• Once you are, simply complete the “Account Request Form,” which was sent to you in your registration packet. If you lost it, you can always get a copy from Computer Services, the Library, or the Admission Office.
• Computer Services will then set up your student technology account, which includes your email account, portal account and logon account.
• Once your accounts are setup, be sure to check your Villa email regularly for important messages and information about the College. Also be sure to purge and delete old emails.
To check registration, financial aid and tuition status, simply logon to your portal account.