Villa Maria College Interior Design program celebrated the work its students accomplished this year at the opening reception of the 2014 Interior Design student exhibit in the Paul William Belts Family Gallery on Friday, April 11th.

L to R: Jessica Foster ’13 sitting in her prize chair donated by Integrity Office; Harrison Walsh ’14; Tara Clack ’15 sitting in her prize chair donated by Buffalo Office Interiors.
A juried exhibit, a panel of 21 judges awarded three students for their work, while audience ballots chose the best of show in the Freshman exhibit in the Matrix room.
Harrison Walsh ‘14 took first place, Jessica Foster ’13 won second place, and Tara Clack ’15 was awarded third place. Ana Spanhake ’17 won Best of Show Freshman award.
Photos from the event can be found on the Villa Maria College Flickr page.
The invited judges consisted of (in no particular order):
Todd Piotrowski – Carmina Wood Morris P.C.*
Lee Schlatterer – Carmina Wood Morris P.C.*
Nina Lewis – DIRTT Environmental Solutions*
Edna Czyc – Wolf Gordon Inc.*
Ike Lowry – Cannon Design
Megan Ebert – Dal Tile*
Mimi Fierle – Buffalo Office Interiors*
Sandra Zygaj-Borowski – Integrity Office Solutions*
Brian Duffy – Fine Arts Professor
Mary Golden – Ferguson Lighting and Bath Showroom
Robert Reeder – Robert Reeder Interiors Inc.
Barbara Reformat – Tiles International*
Ryan Renshaw – Schenne & Associates and adjunct instructor
Bob Grizanti – Graphic Design Professor
Therese Smith*
Michael Bosworth – Photography Professor
Charles Gattie – Roswell Park Cancer Institute*
Laura Shoemaker – Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Jim Constantin – Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Ryan Haynes – Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Joyce Kessel – English Professor
*Indicates the judge is a Villa Maria College alum.