Villa Maria College is not responsible for injury to any person or damage to any vehicle.
Faculty Parking and Traffic Regulations

Register Your Automobile
Drivers assume the responsibility of reporting incidents to the police and to the Business Office.
The following regulations are in effect during the fall, spring, and summer sessions:
- All cars must be registered in the Student Center.
- The parking sticker must be displayed on the driver’s side rear window.
- The campus speed limit is 15 mph.
- Cars must park between yellow lines.
Parking stickers are to be obtained in the Student Center. A parking sticker is valid for the duration of time a faculty or staff member is employed at Villa Maria College. A parking sticker must be obtained for each car used on campus.
All offenders of parking regulations are subject to a fine for each violation. Fines are to be paid in the Business Office within five school days after receiving a parking violation ticket. Cars illegally parked in the handicapped area are subject to being towed away at the owner’s expense.
Faculty and Staff Parking
Faculty and Staff are permitted to park in all open lots at the College.
Handicapped Parking
(Handicapped sign must be visibly displayed.)
Reserved spaces in parking lots on both sides of the Auditorium Building.
No Parking Areas
- Breezeway on either side of the Main Building (the breezeway is not to be used for waiting purposes or parking; this is a walkway between buildings);
- Any parking spot designated for visitors;
- Along the roadway leading to the Student Center;
- Fire lanes—space nearest the buildings (unlined);
- Any unlined areas or areas marked with diagonal lines.