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Faculty FAQs.

How do I get a Faculty Technology Account?

If you intend to access the Library card catalog or use the Internet or e-mail, then you need an active technology account.

Without an activated account, you also cannot access specialized software packages, print on a network printer, or save on the network-attached storage device.

I have a computer at home. Do I still need a Villa Faculty Technology Account?

If you intend to access the Library card catalog or use the Internet or e-mail, then you need an active technology account.

Without an activated account, you also cannot access specialized software packages, print on a network printer, or save on the network-attached storage device.

I tried logging on to a computer and my Username and Password do not seem to work. What should I do?

First, make sure you’re typing the right username in all lower cases, with no spaces: your last name, first letter of the first name, and first letter of your middle name.

Example: John Q. Public would be publicjq.

The password for faculty and staff technology accounts is the information you provided when submitting your Account Agreement Form.

If you’re still having problems logging on, stop by the Open Computer Lab, Room 13, or the Computer Services, Room 10 or 11, or call (716) 961-1841, (716) 961-1819, (716) 961-1820, or (716) 961-1817.

If you did not submit your required account form, your account will be deactivated and will only be activated when the form is completed and submitted. If you tried logging on more than three times, and your account has been locked out, Computer Services can unlock your account for you.

I don't know how to log on. What should I do?

Logon procedures have been posted in each of the computer labs: Room 13, Room L-30 (Palisano Lab), and the Library. The staff in the Library, Academic Success Center, and at Computer Services will gladly assist you with the proper logon procedures.

I've never used a computer before. What should I do?

Take a computer course or a computer-related course, such as Microcomputer Applications I (CCS 102), which will provide you with a basic introduction to computer usage, terminology, and software applications.

How soon will my account be activated and my email usable?

Your faculty technology account and e-mail account are both activated within 24 hours after you’ve signed and submitted your Account Agreement form.

I am interested in purchasing a computer. Can I purchase one through Villa?

Computer Services will be happy to recommend some sources for computer purchases and answer any questions you may have regarding those purchases.

I am a faculty or staff member at Villa. I was told that I have an email account. But when I try to access it, there is no account. Why?

Your account is only activated if you have completed the Employee Account Agreement Form. If you haven’t, stop in Rooms 13, 11, or 10 for assistance.

I hear a lot about computer viruses. How do I know when one has attacked my computer?

Symptoms of a computer virus are not always obvious and current antivirus software tools are needed to detect these problems.

The 3M Corporation in conjunction with the International Computer Security Association has published a brochure called “How to Avoid Computer Viruses” that lists the following symptoms:

  • Computer reboots without reason.
  • New symbolic pictures or messages show on the screen.
  • Unknown programs show up in memory.
  • Software applications or system operating programs disappear.
  • Unknown data files appear or existing files disappear.
  • Light indicating drive activity goes on and off for no apparent reason.
  • Computer operations slow down.
  • Other computers in your work area have similar problems.

Additional warning signs include reduced memory or disk space, unusual error messages, unusual screen activity, failed program execution, failed system boot ups when booting and unexpected writes to a drive.

The threat of viruses is real. Protect yourself, your work and your computer. Don’t open e-mail from unknown senders or those with no (or an unusual) subject line. Never give anyone your username and password.

Can I use my laptop at Villa to access the internet?

WIFI access is currently available throughout the entire College complex. Villa Net is used for unsecure access to the Internet.

Keep in mind that the wireless network is designed as a “shared” medium; as a result, downloading large files from the Internet will affect WIFI speed and responsiveness and disrupt service for all WIFI users.