Keeping our alumni connected
Alumni Association
Alumni Association
Welcome to the Villa Maria College Alumni Page.
As a graduate of Villa Maria, you are automatically enrolled as a free lifetime member of the Alumni Association. The mission of the Villa Maria College Alumni Association is to establish a relationship with all alumni that is mutually beneficial, aligned with the mission of Villa Maria College and guided by Felician core values.

Being part of the Alumni Association entitles you to:
- An invitation to all Villa Maria alumni events
- Lifetime career counseling
- Receive the Villa Vistas magazine
- Receive the alumni e-newsletter
- Volunteer opportunities
- Sponsor a current student as an intern
- Have a family member that is a current student apply for the Kathryn Piatek Memorial Scholarship

Stay Connected
Please keep us informed of the following: name change, address change and up-to-date email addresses. Also, take a moment to advise of marital status, additional degrees, job titles, place of employment and any noteworthy employee recognition, or personal accomplishments.
You can e-mail [email protected] or call Tracy Rozler, at 716-961-1825 (office) or 716-525-4837 (cell).
Alumni News and Events
Alumni Board
Heather Bellini
Photography ’00
LaShawn Chinn
Business Administration ’03
Diego Diaz
Animation ’16
Mary Lucy Drabczyk
Music ’00
Nicole Germain
Early Childhood Education ’08
Marc Muroff
Physical Therapist Assistant ’14
Lucy Norton
Graphic Design ’16
Sabrina Pisano
Physical Therapist Assistant ’08
Adam Schuh
Graphic Design ’18
Keith Sieman
Music Industry ’15
Joseph Tronolone
Music Industry ’15
Brian Walsh
Music Industry ’18
Morgan Wathan
Integrated Arts ’18
John Willis
Graphic Design ’18
If you are interested in being a part of the Alumni Board and are able to make a commitment to attend four quarterly meetings, as well as support a variety of alumni activities, please contact [email protected] or call Mary Robinson, vice president for development, at 716-961-1824.
Alumni E-mail Newsletters
We like to keep our alumni updated about all the great things that are going on at Villa Maria. If you would like to receive our e-mails, please e-mail [email protected], or complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Alumni News of Note
Villa Maria graduates have accomplished many things, around Western New York and beyond! To help us communicate who you are and what you are up to in both your personal and professional lives, we ask for your submissions to keep us in the know. Feel free to send in news, photos, videos, awards, achievements and other related content to [email protected]. Select information will be featured in upcoming blogs, social media posts and published works of the College.
Alumni Fitness Membership
As a benefit for alumni, Villa Maria College offers membership to use the Fitness Center. A one-year membership can be purchased for $60.
To purchase:
1. Mail check for $60 to:
Villa Maria College
Attn: Alumni Relations
240 Pine Ridge Rd
Buffalo, NY 14225
Please include your e-mail address on the subject line.
2. Once payment is processed, you will receive e-mail confirmation.
3. Contact Joanne Nowak at 716-961-1877 to schedule a time to have your photo id taken.
4. Enjoy your fitness center membership!
For fitness center policies, please click here.
Stay in Touch.
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