Where Talent Takes You
Villa Maria is where you belong
You can help contribute to the campaign narrative by submitting your own personal “WHERE” statements, either through the submission form on our new “Villa is Where” submission form below on this site, or by the use of the campaign’s official “#villaiswhere” hash-tag on your social media applications.
Great things are happening.
Growing Enrollment
New athletic and academic programs
Student Success and Achievement
Villa is Where...
Share Your Stories.
Now you can help contribute to the campaign narrative by submitting your own personal “WHERE” statements, either through the submission form on our new “Villa is Where” submission form below on this site, or by the use of the campaign’s official “#villaiswhere” hash-tag on your social media applications.
Join the family.
The student body at Villa Maria College is amazing. We’re not caught up in silly segregations based on popularity or hobbies. Everyone gets along—the atmosphere is very welcoming and warm. We are like a giant family.