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Remembering 5/14

Today, we mark the second anniversary of the horrific terrorist attack carried out by a white supremacist at Tops Markets on Jefferson Avenue. Those of you who were working or studying at Villa on that terrible day know how personally we felt its impact, as several members of our Villa family were direct or indirect victims. We pray for all of the victims—those who lost their lives, those who were injured, and those who were traumatized—and for their families and friends, asking God for continued healing. We also pray for our community, that we can recover and emerge better than we were before, and that we can quell the forces of racism, hatred, ignorance, and violence.


At Villa Maria College, we are committed to standing up for inclusion and equity, guided by our core values and mission. Every day, through the education we provide, we are engaged in the work of countering the spread of misinformation and poisonous propaganda. We are continuing to create opportunities on campus for students, faculty and staff members, and community members to learn more about our country’s racist past and to provide forums for community dialogue. In partnership with others, we will continue to heed the call to reduce inequities in our community and to address the scourge of racism head on.

We will not always succeed in these endeavors. We will not always get everything right. I assure you, however, that we will not lose focus. We are compelled by our faith, our values, the Felician Sisters, and the legacy of the victims to keep moving forward to make Buffalo a better place for all.

— Dr. Matthew Giordano, President of Villa Maria College